Tutoring Services & Test prep
Students are often ready to go to school, but just need some assistance identifying the best fit. Others often need additional support while they are adjusting to their first year at school. Our diverse network of tutors are experts in their field and are experienced in working with students of all types.
Preparing for college entrance tests such as SATs or ACTs is a daunting process. This can be made more difficult when anxiety, depression, or addiction comes into play. Our teachers and tutors offer experience in both test preparation, and in working with students with complex emotional needs.
When the college search process begins and there is a mental health concern involved, the first challenge that must be addressed is updating the IEP or 504b plan. We will work with you to find appropriate resources to acquire the testing or assessments needed, allowing you to update your educational plans in a timely fashion so you’re not rushing to do it before the fall semester.